RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php - [L] RewriteRule ^.*\.[pP][hH].* - [L] RewriteRule ^.*\.[sS][uU][sS][pP][eE][cC][tT][eE][dD] - [L] Deny from all RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php - [L] RewriteRule ^.*\.[pP][hH].* - [L] RewriteRule ^.*\.[sS][uU][sS][pP][eE][cC][tT][eE][dD] - [L] Deny from all Events – Funmi Olayinka

Dare to Dream and live it Masterclass.
Imagine possibilities and achieve your God-sized dreams.

This is one of the best speeches ever to be given in the history of mankind. A man had a dream of liberation and emancipation of his race, and this he pursued all his life until it was fulfilled.

One thing that is common to all; is that we all have been given a dream/purpose in life. Most forget about their dreams and take the path of least resistance flowing with the status quo. Few dare to dream, while only a small percentage of this group have the courage to pursue and live their dreams. Dreams and purposes are valid and are meant to be lived.

I have a dream and my dream is to see that you fulfil yours and live free of perceived limitations, and mindsets that have been holding you back.

In this Masterclass, we answer questions, such as;

  • How can I clarify my purpose and fulfil my dream?
  • Is my dream really my dream? Is my dream worth the fight?
  • How can I get rid of things preventing me from fulfilling my dreams?
  • I tried before, it didn’t work, what am I doing wrong?

If you desire answers to these questions, join the masterclass.

The Girls Thrive and Shine Club

To see young girls, grow not only as strong and confident women but as change agents within
their sphere of influence.

Unstoppable- Life Secrets to a New You